Mark and LuAnn Jenkins
Read more: Mark and LuAnn JenkinsMark and LuAnn Jenkins are from North Ogden, Utah, USA. They are currently serving a mission for their church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as the Directors of the Hyde Park Chapel Vistors’ Centre in London England. Previous to this assignment Mark and LuAnn were enjoying their retirement with their four children…
Virginia Allred
Read more: Virginia AllredVirginia Allred is a dedicated student advocate with 14 years of experience supporting children and advancing educational initiatives. A graduate of Brigham Young University with a Master of Public Administration (MPA), Virginia has focused on improving equity and access in public education. Her work spans policy advocacy, program implementation, and direct support for schools and…
Emily and Bill Prisbrey
Read more: Emily and Bill PrisbreyEmily Martin Prisbrey graduated from BYU studying Travel and Tourism and Fashion Merchandising. After graduation she married and lived all over the USA, including New York where her two children were born. During that period, she worked in retail management and administrative leadership. She also opened her own business, Bella Bella Boutique. After moving to Utah and…
Bruce and Linda Wardle
Read more: Bruce and Linda WardleJ. Bruce Wardle, CAE — Bruce attended BYU and the University of Utah, graduating in Political Science. He worked for nearly four decades in Washington, DC where he owned Association Management Group, Inc. (AMG), a respected professional services firm engaged in the delivery of nonprofit management, government relations, public affairs, and meeting and event management…