Author: The Editorial Team

  • FoRB Leadership Training Nigeria

    FoRB Leadership Training Nigeria

    Following up from a recent APPG visit to Nigeria, The FoRB Foundation will be visiting Abuja Nigeria to support and provide training to those experiencing FoRB discrimination. The training will provide the knowledge, skill and understanding required to assist those who have been separated from or who have lost loved ones. This support will help…

  • FoRB Awareness

    FoRB Awareness

    It is possible to experience FoRB discrimination anywhere in the world. As The FoRB Foundation one of our aims is to Raise Awareness. Awareness of what FoRB is, awareness of what FoRB discrimination looks like, awareness of those persecuted for what they believe and Awareness of those imprisoned unjustly for practicing their faith, belief or…

  • Project Template

    Project Purpose summary text Project Partners Project Sponsors Project Updates Project Report Advocating Change

  • Project Template #2

    Project Purpose summary text Project Partners Project Sponsors Project Updates Project Report Advocating Change

  • Project Template #3

    Project Purpose summary text Project Partners Project Sponsors Project Updates Project Report Advocating Change

  • Julie Jones (Co-founder)
  • What is Article 18?

    “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”  What is the history behind the declaration?The traumatic…

  • What is Article 9?

    Article 9 of the Human Rights Act protects the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. It is an essential part of the international human rights framework and has several important implications for individuals, communities, and governments. Firstly, it ensures that individuals have the right to hold any religious beliefs of their choosing or…