Lew and Barb Cramer

Lew and Barb are currently serving in London as Public Affairs/Government Relations specialists for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, working with the London diplomatic corps and members of Parliament. Lew Cramer previously served as a Stake Patriarch, Stake President, and Bishop. His recent professional career includes Utah CEO for Colliers International, a commercial real estate firm, Utah Transportation Commissioner and founding president of the World Trade Center, Utah.

Lew began his career in Washington DC as a White House Fellow for President Ronald Reagan, he followed this as U.S. Assistant Secretary for International Trade and Director General of the U.S. Commercial Service in both the Reagan and first Bush administrations. He practiced commercial and international law in Silicon Valley and Los Angeles. He is an honors graduate of the charter class of the J. Reuben Clark BYU Law School.

Barbara and Lew are the parents of six children and have eighteen grandchildren. Barb is a life-long musician, accomplished on the piano, organ and voice.  She sang in the Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square from 2007-2014.  Barb grew up in Southern California and attended Brigham Young University, graduating with a BA in English.  Cramer’s have resided in California, Virginia, Salt Lake City and currently in London.