The FoRB Foundation at ICLRS

Bruce Wardle a member of the FoRB Foundation attended the ICLRS Symposium in Utah with Fareed Ahmad the executive director of the Ahmadiyya Muslim faith and His Eminence Arch Bishop Angaelos of London of the Coptic Orthodox faith. These two great faith leaders spoke in the symposium sharing views on Freedom of Religion or Belief. During their visit they had the opportunity to meet with Sharon Eubank the Director of LDS Charities and to reconnect with Elder Cook an apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints. As a leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints once taught, the humanitarian challenges around the world are too great for one organisation and it is the united efforts of all that will make the difference. The past few days have been an opportunity for collaborative discussion and the uniting of ideas and effort.